
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What is skin cancer logoWhat are Junctional Nevi

A junctional nevus is a mole found in the junction (border) between the epidermis and dermis layers of the skin.

Nests of nevus cells cluster at the dermoepidermal junction

Onset: rare at birth and generally develop after the age of 2 years
Site: palms, soles, and the genitalia
Prevalence: most common in children
Size: vary from 0.1 to 0.6 cm
Appearance: flat or slightly raised brown to tan macules with uniform pigmentation
Surface: smooth and flat to slightly elevated
Border: round or oval and symmetric
Special features: Hairless, with preserved surface skin markings
Progress: may change into compound nevi after childhood, Degeneration into melanoma is rare.